Catching Light, 2017, acrylic, graphite on synthetic paper, 64x240 inches, 8 panels
Non Omnis Moriar, 2017, graphite on synthetic paper, 26x210 inches, 7 panels
In Time in Between-Smoke/Volcano, 2003-2004, graphite, pastel, synthetic paper, 640x480 inches, 10 panels, Berliner Kunstproject, Berlin, 2005
In Time In Between-Smoke, 2003, graphite, pastel on synthetic paper, 640x540 inches, 11 panels, CAC, Cincinnati, 2004
Above All-Black, 2004-2005, graphite, pastel on texture paper, 64x90 inches, 3 panels
Above All-White, 2004, graphite on texture paper, 64x90 inches, 3 panels
Sedona @ 9 pm-5 am, 2006, acrylic ink, eccolina, graphite, synthetic paper, 182x80 inches, 14 panels 40x26 inches each
American Landscape, 2002, graphite, texture paper, collage, 27x108 inches, 4 panels
Rising from Cycle NO, 1999-2000, graphite on texture paper, 102x61 inches, 3 panels

In Time In Between-Smoke/Volcano, 2003/2004, graphite/pastel/synthetic paper, 640×480 inches
Ten-panel installation exhibited in Berlin in 2005. It pulls the viewer between its layers and reminds us that we are, like it or not, continuously enveloped in a vaporous zone located somewhere “in between” – temporally, spatially, and humanly.